On June 6 in the evening 7 o’clock sharp, an announcement brushed screen. This announcement is central anti-corruption defeats harmonious group international to chase after escape the announcement that office of job of make sb上海千花访约会归来 disgorge the spoils concerns clew about personnel of partial flee to other country, announced 50 to be suspected of the clew of functionary crime and the personnel of flee to other country that economy c上海品茶网ommits a crime in all. Include Shi Jianxiang of former president of fast deer group among them. Do not know fast deer group? That changes a kind to state. Before have an accident, he external the identity is — U.N. peace ambassador, the culture in the United States communicates ambassador-at-large, cantabrigian university is lifelong and honor90分钟莞式水磨ary doctor of business school of academician, Nobel, visiting professor, world-famous film producer, investor of Chinese famous motion picture, chinese film (17.42, – 0.24, – 1.36%) foundation vice-chairman, professor of honor of Shanghai Thespian institute, ” Xie Wen 3 ” total producer, ” big bomb ” total producer, ” dare-to-die troops 4 ” in square total producer, wei Shichu上海海景国际桑拿会所n directs 2015 east late total scheme, always, shanghai business head be apt to, shanghai fast deer invests (group) chairman of bureau of limited company trustee. Right, it is thi星月干磨水磨对照图s individual, went up to chase after escape li杨浦区桑拿店st. ” Xie Wen 3 “上海水磨会所是什么意思 the gold of backside advocate Shi Jianxiang platoon is in the 31st. Announcement exposure: Shi Jianxiang, male, number of Chinese dweller Id 310223196409272817, id of Hong Kong dweller date M334542 (A) , former president of fast deer group, be suspected of collecting money crime of fraud. Flee to other country reached the United States on March 7, 2016, place of flee to other country holds card to illuminate: H6015127800. At present the likelihood occupies a dwelling place: Valley Boulevard Alhambra, CA, the United States. Mention Shi Jianxiang, must say ” Xie Wen 3 “半套技师可以做全套吗按摩半套跟全套的区别 . This hold the post of total producer by Shi Jianxiang, xie Wei is believed hold guide, huang Baiming supervise the manufacture of, yuan Heping a上海 域spallows to change coach, zhen Zidan, Zhang Jin, Xiong Dai forest, Tan Yaowen presents as leading role to act the leading role, taisente fastens a show, yang Zi holds the position of announce to send a person, beijing big screen always is issued, beijing star beautiful movie and TV is issued jointly, igneous medium combines announce hair, the four seas issues allied combination. On March 4, 2016, this so-called ” odd-numbered days is box-office and highest Chinese kongfu piece ” the film is shown, booking office g上海GM群oes tall all the way later: Show