Report will publish Beijing of Xinhua News Agency on September 1 最新宝山桑拿on August 31 the 17th period ” begging is ” the serious article that the magazine will publish Xi Jinping of chairman of chairman of secretary-general of Central Committee of Communist Party of China, state, central the Central Military Commission ” the talk that urges economy of the Yangtse River to take development informal discussion to go up in development ” . The article emphasizes, driving economy of the Yangtse River to head development is the Party Central Committee those who make is great and decision-making, it is the major strategy of overall situation of relationship state development, to coming true ” two centenary ” the Chinese nation of struggling target, implementation is great revived Chinese dream has important sense. Below new condition, drive economy of the Yangtse River to head development, the key is to want to hold a few significances correctly, hold to new development concept, insist to advance steadily working total fundamental key, insist to stress great protection in all, do not start big development, strengthen reform innovation, strategy to plan as a whole, pro嘉定喜松江spa上门来登铂spagram guiding, make belt of economy of the Yangtse River becomes the new force that leads high quality of our country economy developme夜上海论坛nt. The article points out, want to hold economy of the Yangtse River to take the situation of development and job in the round. Come two many years, concerned branch and city of edge river province did a large number of works, a design, impro松江郡山桑拿vement supports in aggrandizement the respect such as reform of mechanism of system of development of zoology environment, stimulative transition, exploration gained active headway. In the meantime, also should regain consciousness see the difficult challenge that face and outstanding problem. The article points out, drive economy of the Yangtse River to take development to need to hold a few significances correctly. The first, hold the significance that whole is上海宝山洗浴按摩全套 a上海宝山洗浴按摩全套dvanced and breaks through mainly correctly, do rehabilitate of environmental protection of zoology of good the Yangtse River to work in the round. The 2nd, hold zoology environ松江桑拿水疗会所mental protection and the relationship that economy grows correctly, exploration advances zoology in coordination preferential develop new approach with green上海宝山spa价格表. The 3rd, hold overall plan and for a long time correctly to be the relati宝山水疗on of result, adamant上海全套会所有哪些上海会所全套价格行情ine a piece blue print works after all. The 4th, hold correctly do away with old kinetic energy and the relationship that cultivate new kinetic energy, drive belt of economy of the Yangtse River to build modern economic system. The 5th, hold oneself development and the relationship that develop in coordination correctly, make tape of economy of the Yangtse River the efficient economy system that makes organic confluence hard. The article points out, want to increase the working strength tha上海按摩推油论坛t drives economy of the Yangtse River to head development. Concerned branch and city of edge river province should carry out the overall deploy that fulfils the Party Central Committee to head development to driving economy of the Yangtse River and working arrangement seriously, strengthen constituent leader, transfer each power, aggrandizement system mechanism, arou上海不正规按摩店 上海指压放松一条街se inside vivid force, sturdy confidence, be brave in to take on, catch i爱上海油压论坛ron to have mark, step Shi Liuyin, grab the job solid h上海楼凤ad caught, belt of economy of good to carry out the Yangtse River develops the strategy and struggle jointly. (Editor-in-charge: Bai Yu, Yue Hongbin) heat is recommended wonderful recommend seniority of video news heat