Origin: Chinese treasure can on December 28, china is produced learn to gr上海贵族宝贝419论坛ind cast financing alliance, Shenzhen to produce learn to grind collaboration is promoted meeting congress of the 3rd member and establish congress 6 years to be held in Shenzhen. Members of standing committee of countrywide the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former Guangdong saves Song Hai of people government vice-go金山区spa养生会所vernor, promising of severe of secretary of former Shenzhen municipal Party committee attends plenary meeting and speak, treasure can Yao Zhenhua is elected as group president new all2019上海闵行水磨服务ow chairman. Yao Zhenhua chairman represents when publishing inaugural, current, chinese economy is in optimize industrial structure, change grows dynamic key period, innovation of science and technology develops a sense to society of our country economy great and far-reaching. As the enterprise, we must assume the main body responsibility that has innovation, hold to science and technology as always to lead, innovation drive, drive scientific research, education, production farther deepness is shirt-sleeve, on implementation function and resource advantage in coordination with compositive change, the high quality of economy of the China that help strength can develop continuously, this is the times gifts our responsibility and mission. Height of Yao Zhenhua chairman was sure deep hurried can hold water 6 years to come, guide i上海 新完美 普陀n w上海普陀桑拿体验hat achieve article of conference chairman Liao Jun below, learn to grind to drive China to produce cooperative career place cooperative outstanding contribution, express, as new a chairman, will continue to guide new a board and ensemble member, capture new the good luck that round of 上海水磨会所排上海夜总会排名10名science and technology and industry change, will deep hurried杨浦区家庭spa can make the international communica奉贤榆榕庄国昆山水磨论坛际水疗油压tion platform that becomes innovation of science a上海会所招聘 上海会所招聘nd technology and industrial上海徐汇spa confluence, demonstrative area of area of big bay of the HongKong and Macow that it is another na上海千花 三队 上海千花论坛m上海会所排名和报价e for Guangdong Province and Shenzhen socialism go ahead of the rest is built make larger contribution. Chairman reported Yao Zhenhua to close to target of 3 years of jobs mixes meeting tomorrow greatly subsequently 2020 key task. He expresses, the 8 big industries such as the IT in will not be aimed at national strategy guiding ideology, AI, big health, new material, new energy resources, contemporary agriculture, modern banking, advanced manufacturing industry, focusing 5 large fixed position, had caught 5 ” construction ” , it is respectively: Catch good foundation it is construction, good to catch it is fund management, good to catch it is base construction, good to catch it is GBAS international brand, good to catch mass organiza上海虹口干磨2018tions processing.